Saturday, January 8, 7pm
Green Magick with the Sabbats, $20
Yule: Chamomile, Juniper, Rosemary
Tree of Life Bookstore
San Diego, CA
This will be a series of workshops held throughout the year based on the eight sabbats. Each class will include herbs specifically used for the ancient holy days or sabbats found in the Wheel of the Year. I will introduce three different herbs in as many different forms as possible. We will explore herbal lore, medicinal and magickal use and recipes. We will discuss the living, sentient essence behind plants, herbs, or trees and the many ways to perceive the devic realm.

Tuesday, January 12, 4pm
Buena Park Library
YA Latina Author's Panel with Sandra Lopez and Lara Rios

February 13-15, Time TBA
San Jose, CA
Ecologically-Minded Pagans in Action
As those who hold the earth at our spiritual core, we should be the ones leading the charge in conservation and sustainability. To preserve species and spaces threatened by our mere existence, we must go beyond the drum circle and visualization dance to find for ourselves a bold land ethic with humans as part, not conquerors, of nature. Discover how the combination of our genetic disposition to biophilia (the innate affinity for the natural world), bio-diversity and direct action lead to creative conservation. Witchcraft has been dubbed a “religion of ecology,” let’s educate ourselves to protect Mother’s Earth’s diverse beauty.

March 3, 7-8:30pm, $15 fee
Wild Womyn Writers
The Road Less Traveled
2204 N. Main Street, Santa Ana
Sarah Rafael Garcia and I have begun a bi-monthly writing class at the Road Less Traveled. We will alternate teaching the classes. Once a month we will focus on business writing, the next session will be a creative writing class. Together we will explore our creative spirits through freeing ourselves from societal restrictions and embracing natural instincts. This week's business writing will focus on Jamie's experience working with a literary agent for three years and ten years experiecen working with publicists, editors, marketers from some of the most prestigious publishing houses. Come on girls, break through the boundaries, find the literary genius waiting for a little play, and free your wild soul.
Workshops held 1st & 3rd Wed. $15 fee. Join us on Facebook!!/pages/Santa-Ana-CA/Wild-Womyn-Writers/265631007831?ref=ts

March 13, 12:30
Covenent of the Goddess
Chaparral Park, Anaheim, CA
Presentation and booksigning

March 26, 4pm
Fullerton Public Library
YA Latina Author's Panel and Booksigining with Sandra Lopez and Sarah Rafael Garcia
"Growing Up Latina"
March 30, 1 pm
El Camino College
Author Panel and Booksigning with Sandra Lopez and Sarah Rafael Garcia

January 25 3 p.m.
Latina Authors Panel
Los Alamitos/Rossmoor Library
12700 Montecito
Seal Beach, CA. 90740

February 5, 6 pm
Latina Author's Panel
Libreria Martinez
1110 N Main Street
Santa Ana, CA

February 14-15
San Jose Doubletree Hotel
2050 Gateway Place, San Jose CA
February 19, 6-9 p.m.

Libreria Martinez Grand Re-Opening
Latina Author's Panel
Libreria Martinez
1110 N Main Street
Santa Ana, CA

February 21
Panel Discussion
Girls Scouts Dreams to Reality
Concordia University

March 7
Latina Authors Panel and Booksigning
Latina Leadership Council of the California Community College Conference
Sheraton Universal Hotel
Hollywood, CA

March 8
Booksigning in the Tea & Sympathy Booth
Pomona Irish Faire
Pomona Fairplex
Pomona, CA

March 11, 6-8 pm
Teen Book Talk & Signing
Orange Public Library
407 E. Chapman Ave., Orange, CA
(714) 288-2400

March 13
Latina Author's Panel
HOPE Woman's Conference
Los Angeles, CA

March 26
Latina Authors Panel
LA Southwest College
1600 W. Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 90047

Saturday, April 4
3:30-4:30 p.m.
Literary Orange 2009
Young Adult Panel with Lisa Yee and James St. James
University California, Irvine

April 5
Renaissance Fair

April 19, 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Online chat with Motherherbs Cottage
(Please note: You must be a member of the group in order to post and participate)

The Devic Realm: What is the Living Essence or Faeries of Plant life?
There have been many examples of how talking to plants improves their overall growth and health: the prime example being found in Findhorn, Scotland. But what kind of energy shows up when you commune with plant life? What is the true form of the devic realm, the living essence behind plants, herbs, or trees that many of us call faeries, dryads, etc.? When working with herbs for healing or magickal intention, how we perceive the devic realm seems to differ from person to person, depending on what we expect to see. What has science, in particular Quantum Physics, proven or suspect about the existence of devic realm? Does this energy form rely upon our collective conscious or is it based on an ancient concept? Is the energy essence of plants fixed on their own reality or does the devic realm’s form morph or change with an evolving humanity?
Join what is sure to be a lively discussion!

May 1
Beltane Ritual
Tree of Life bookstore

Join us for a Greek Beltane Ritual! Time to don the toga? Why not! We'll immerse ourselves in Greco times for a celebration of the Great Rite and the fecundity of the season. At this Turning of the Wheel, we'll hearken back to a reverent era of nature worship and the richness of divinity. In our free-spirited jubilation we'll invoke Aphrodite and Dionysius as the union of God and Goddess. Working with the sacred Bay Laurel, we will honor how we are worthy of admiration and recommit to our zest for life. You are encouraged to wear Greco attire, including togas, to deepen your Beltane experience. Let’s celebrate the end of winter with a hearty welcome to the strengthening sun, blooming flowers and the goodness bursting forth!

May 4 at 7 p.m. Free
Chapman University
Fish Interfaith Center
Wicca 101 - Modern Magic in Earth Spirituality
Sponsored by Chapman University's Circle of the Triple Goddess

The history of Wicca, an earth-based, agricultural religion, with roots that that predate Judeo-Christian religions
The basic tenets and belief system of Wicca
Wiccan celebrated holidays and their correspondence to nature
The role of spellcrafting, mystery and magic in Wicca
Diversity in Wicca
The truth behind myths and negative propaganda surrounding Wicca
The significance of Wiccan symbols and tools. Kierin Hair, group co-leader, will lead a Ritual honoring the Beltane holiday, also known as May Day. Lastly,
A panel of students and the staff advisor, Jamie Wood will field Q & A

May 9, 10-5:30. Free Berkeley Pagan Festival
Civic Center Park, Berkeley, California
2151 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Berkeley CA 94704

May 20, 6:30 p.m.
Moderator for Discussion on Josefina Lopez' book Hungry Woman in Paris
20 City Blvd. West, Bldg. A, Orange, 92868

May 23,24
Booksigning and Teaching two classes:
1. Elemental Magick and the Devic Realm
Ever wonder how magick is created? This class will offer a basic guideline and explain the synergy between the seasons, directions, colors, intention, totem animals, elemental energy and symbols that are used to manifest intention. This workshop includes which herbs are used for the ancient holy days (sabbats), herbs to use to bless your altar and herbal recipes for the Beltane Season (April 30 - June 19). Playing with the herbs that are connected to the season we are experiencing creates harmony in your life and deepens your relationship with all things, particularly Mother Earth. In earth spirituality, nature is our teacher and our guide. This class will teach you how to live a magickal life in a mundane world.

2. Fantastical Beings in Magick, young women, (ages 11-19)
Magick is based on working with the four elements (air, fire, water, earth) to create a specific intention or desire. Fantastical beings are associated with each of the elements. There are Slyphs of Air, Salamander of Fire, Mermaid and Naiads of Water, Faeries and Dryads of Earth. Working with these magickal creatures can help you feel more connected to your power and ability to create a life of your choosing. We'll take a visionary journey to meet your favorite fantastical being.

Northern California Woman's Herbal Symposium
Laytonville, CA

June 17, 6:30 pm
20 City Blvd. West, Bldg. A, Orange, 92868
Discussion of Rogelia's House of Magic
3333 Bear St.
Costa Mesa, CA, 92626

Monday June 29, 5 p.m.
Las Comadres teleconference and interview featuring Jamie and Rogelia's House of Magic

June 27,28
Booksigning in the Tea & Sympathy Booth
San Diego Highland Games
Brengle Terrace Park
Vista, CA

July 31- August 2
Eugene, OR

August 14, 7 pm $20
Green Magick: Herbs & the Sabbats
Llamas: Aloe, Fenugreek and Frankincense
Tree of Life Bookstore
San Diego, CA
This will be a series of workshops held throughout the year based on teh eight sabbats. Each class will include herbs specifically used for the ancient holy days or sabbats found in the Wheel of the Year. I will introduce three different herbs in as many different forms as possible. We will explore herbal lore, medicinal and magickal use and recipes. We will discuss the living, sentient essence behind plants, herbs, or trees and the many ways to perceive the devic realm.

Saturday, September 25
Green Magick with the Sabbats, $20
Mabon: Calendula, Marigold, Oak, Passionflower
Tree of Life Bookstore
San Diego, CA
This will be a series of workshops held throughout the year based on the eight sabbats. Each class will include herbs specifically used for the ancient holy days or sabbats found in the Wheel of the Year. I will introduce three different herbs in as many different forms as possible. We will explore herbal lore, medicinal and magickal use and recipes. We will discuss the living, sentient essence behind plants, herbs, or trees and the many ways to perceive the devic realm.

Wednesday, November 4
Seasonal Living: Fall, $25
The Road Less Traveled
2204 N Main Street
Santa Ana, CA
This will be a four part course (fall, winter, spring and summer) that will explore opportunities to broaden and deepen your bond with the cycles of nature. Part lecture, part discussion, part workshop, Seasonal Living will explore the seasons and correlate the natural flow of nature to human experiences of mind, body and soul to illustrate the guidance nature shows us at each turn of the wheel. The outcome of this course will be to bring meaning to each season, and expand your connection with all living beings.

Friday, November 6
Green Magick with the Sabbats, $20
Samhain: Mugwort, Mullein, Sage
Tree of Life Bookstore
San Diego, CA
This will be a series of workshops held throughout the year based on the eight sabbats. Each class will include herbs specifically used for the ancient holy days or sabbats found in the Wheel of the Year. I will introduce three different herbs in as many different forms as possible. We will explore herbal lore, medicinal and magickal use and recipes. We will discuss the living, sentient essence behind plants, herbs, or trees and the many ways to perceive the devic realm.

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