"Until now, there wasn't a quintessential book on pagan cuisine. To fill the glaring void comes The Wicca Cookbook ($20) the definitive guide to witch food by real life wiccans Jamie Wood and Tara Seefeldt. Find it at booksotes. Recipes include Stuffed Nasturtiums and Dandelion Wine for Spring Equinox; Apple Scones and Magickal Mushrooms for Halloween; and Snowflacke Cakes and Walnut-Oion Bread for Candlemas, a midwinter festival. Come May Day, I'll go to any wiccan dinner party - that's when they start serving homeade mead (fermented honey booze) for summer. Lace me in a corset and grab me a chalice: I'm ready to rock. By the way, the cookbook also taught me that wiccans honor a main goddess with a sidekick god. Right on."
--Gina Guerra, Jane Magazine

"The Enchanted Diary is for teen girls, but I had so much fun reading this book that I couldn't put it down.... It is wonderful book for teenage girls and I recommend it to any parent."
--Altar Magazine

"Jamie Wood writes with wisdom and charm. From the very start, you feel as if you are spending time with a marvelous friend."

"I can not even begin to express my happiness with the newest release from Jamie Wood! Not only has she approached the subject of teen paganism with insight and bravado, she’s done it without talking down, or gathering groupies. The basics are covered, there’s a large spell section, and a huge list of resources."
--Prolific Pagans

"(The Teen Spell Book) straightforwardly describes the basics of witchcraft, provides suggestions on how to incorporate magick into your everyday life and provides instructions on spell casting."

"This book (The Teen Spell Book) does much to educate the young and Wood deserves recognition for this outstanding book."
--The Unicorn

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