Article by: Aurora Anaya-Cerda
This week I spoke to author Jamie Martinez Wood. She was eager to share the news about her debut novel, “Rogelia’s House of Magic,” in which three fifteen-year-old girls find friendship and special powers as they are trained in the ways of curanderismo by a wise old woman. In one amazing summer, their lives will change forever. Geared towards readers ages 12 and up, “Rogelia’s House of Magic” is enjoyable combination of mystery, magic, and friendship.
10 Questions with Jamie Martinez Wood
1. Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Orange County, California, when there were more orange groves and less people
2. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
In Ms. Kneedler's second grade class. My first story was about a runaway hamburger. The second one was called The Floating Bed and I still have it, complete with pictures. I have all my diaries and a shoebox full of notes passed in class from junior high and high school because I always knew I wanted to write for teens.
3. What was the inspiration behind Rogelia's House of Magic?
Claudia Gabel, an editor from Random House, asked me to write a book about Latina teens and magic. Marcela Landres recommended me to Claudia because of the four books on magic, earth spirituality (two for teens) and the two books on Latino culture that I had written. Inspired to educate and empower (rather than reinforce the myths that magic is all about spellcrafting or manipulation) I introduced a mentor who could explain the deep symbiotic connection with nature inherent in all magic and mystery. And then I incorporated the historical use of curanderismo, a mind-body-spirit healing approach steeped in tradition and ceremony.
4. Do you identify with any one character?
I identify with all the girls and Rogelia. Each of the characters represents some part of me: I worry like Marina; I hermit like Xochitl; I'm a tree hugging spaz like Fern; and I'm a teacher like Rogelia. In this story I get to see how all these personalities play and dance together, sharing time on the stage, and working in harmony together. It reminds me of a multi-faceted diamond.
5. Did you base the characters in the book on people you know or knew?
I based a few characters on people I know and my 15-year-old perspective of those relationships.
6. If you could go back and make changes to any of your books, would you? And if so, what would you change?
Honestly I did the best I could during the writing of all seven of my books. The only thing I would change would be the mix-up of the Bergamot qualities in “The Wicca Herbal.”
7. What is your advice for aspiring writers?
Write for yourself. Write for the pleasure it brings you. Write during the good times as well as the bad. Try not to be too hard on yourself as a writer, the critics and editors will take care of that. Never give up on what you love. Find a system that works for you, but be willing to change it when it stops working.
8. What's on your bookshelf now?
“The Last Lecture,” “The Other Boleyn Girl,” “Travel with Kids,” “The King's Gold,” and “First Draft in 30 Days.”
9. What is your essential summer treat?
A girls' weekend getaway, preferably to the trees where there is a gathering of crazy, like-minded people, or a posh hotel with a pool, a spa and good-looking cabana boys, or camping, or a trip to a winery, or anywhere we can relax and just be girls.
10. Besides writing, what else do you like to do?
Meditative walks, time alone, playing soccer with my boys, camping, travel, yoga, festivals/fairies with live music or a theme like Renaissance, Goddess energy, Celtic culture, Fairy, Folk or Latino pride.
About Jamie Martinez Wood:
Jamie Martinez Wood is the recipient of the 2008 International Latino Book Award Best Reference Book for the Latino Writers and Journalists, a collection of 150 biographical essays. Her books include: “The Wicca Cookbook,” “The Teen Spell Book,” “The Enchanted Diary,” “The Wicca Herbal,” “The Hispanic Name Book” and “Rogelia's House of Magic” - her debut novel. Jamie is an inspirational speaker and empowerment specialist, having taught workshops, led retreats and given performances on earth spirituality, seasonal living and ritual ceremony. She conducts classroom visits and assemblies on writing, publishing, and empowerment. Visit her at http://www.jamiemartinezwood.com/.
If you would like a press kit, please send request to maito:Jamie@jamiewood.com
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